BRANO automated storage system

BRANO automated storage system 7. 11. 2022

The implementation of Brano's automated storage system in Hradec nad Moravicí is a joint project among LogTech, Blumenbecker and Aimtec. The automatic warehouse starts with a pallet accumulation conveyor line for three types of pallets with the capacity of 1000 Kg. The pallets are loaded to the pallet racking system by the AGV stacker and later picked for automated depalletization with manual infeed as a optional function. KLT boxes are transported via conveyor system to an automated storage system. The automated storage system is based on double deep AS/RS Tornado cranes for two or four KLT boxes. Second infeed conveyor line leads from pressing plant production to automated storage. The conveyor system is equipped with material flow control and high level control by Aimtec and low level control with code camera readers by Blumenbecker.

The conveyor system is equipped with transfer units and a dynamic scale and delivers KLT boxes to Tornado miniload crane with an automatic alighment of KLT boxes. The boxes are delivered by the conveyor system from Tornado miniload to the production site and then picked to a trolley which supplies the production. The automated storage is also equipped with manual carton boxes loading and with a separate picking line for production site. Brano fully automated storage has the LogTech service support 24/7. The conveyor system is equpped with lift-up gate for a safety access to the conveyor maintenance, e. g. rollers replacement.  

Brano fully automated warehouse racking system has got 19064 positions. The loading capacity of the system is 300 – 350 KTL boxes per hour and the picking capacity is 200 – 250 KLT per hour. You can see the video on our YoutTube channel: 



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